Meet Misty Thompson
Spiritual Life Coach
Are you feeling disconnected with your own life? Do you feel that the people in your life have abandoned you either emotionally or physically? Are you experiencing grief from a death or breakup?
It is my passion to guide those who have experienced the same struggles as me by using my spiritual gifts. Working with each client individually and tailoring a plan to address their needs is a priority. Respect, understanding, compassion, and empathy is how all clients are treated.
Working with clients who are ready to change their lives by being accountable for their choices and who are responsible for taking charge of their future but who are unsure how to begin are the clients who will see the maximum results by working with me.
Misty Thompson

Amazon Best Selling Author
Misty is the best-selling author of two books, “By Your Side” and “From Grief to Acceptance" both written as a tribute to her sister who died tragically in 1993. Misty is also a contributing author to several spiritually inspired books two of which are below, “365 to Angel Prayers” and “When Angels Speak”.
Programs And Workshops

Intro To Your Spirituality
This is the beginning of the client’s journey towards changing their lives and releasing what is holding them back from their joy. These sessions may include intuitive, psychic/medium, and angel card readings. In addition to three individual sessions the client will have access to a four-week online course that includes videos, guided meditations, and homework.
3-Week Individual Program

Finding Your True-Self
This is a 6-week program that will meet every week via Zoom. This will be a deeper dive into the emotional aspects of the client and the journey towards finding their true self. These sessions may include intuitive, psychic/medium, and angel card readings.
6-Week Individual Program